Role of Mathematics


Role of Mathematics



       Maths has its own inscriptions,
Full of theory and descriptions.
Maths is fun,
With so much to learn.
Algebra is a pile of mystery,
And Geometry has its own history.
Learning maths is enviable,
They can also learn maths which are differently able,
It serves logic from table to table.

 It has many branches like Vedic Maths and Arithmetic,
Linear Equation and Algebra are very alphabetic.
Profits are added,
While Losses are subtracted.
Lines are parallel,
Divisions are shareable.
Life is as a graph,
Sometimes faces up and sometimes down,
Teaches us to be humble and sound.
Zero is with us throughout our lives,
Without it is difficult to survive,
Maths is the necessity of life.


~ Kushagra Tayal


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